Pact Web Serial Wiki

Nymphs are known for a tendency to be playful and feminine and are roughly the female equivalent to Satyrs, and both are noted to be kind to "innocents".[1]


Because they embody the ancient ideal of womanhood and female sexuality, they tend to be rather young in appearance. Sandra noted that, despite most of the ones she'd note predating the bible, they didn't look legal age as the ideal beauty of 200 BC was younger than she liked.[1]

Notable Nymphs[]

  • Nymphs of Dionysus, remain under the god's care or that of his cultists.
  • Dryad


  • Largely considered female spirits or minor deities representing features in nature from rocks to lakes to trees.
  1. 1.0 1.1 The nymphs were what the satyrs were, in a way, holding to an ancient ideal of womanhood and female sexuality as the satyrs held to manhood and male sexuality. There were differences, but the simple description served.

    She’d discovered a maternal affection towards the nymphs over the last decade, but there were more uncomfortable implications in their makeup that still rubbed her the wrong way.  The fact that they ‘played’ with her husband wasn’t one of them.  Such was a partnership with a cultist of Dionysus.  No, it was the fact that the ideal beauty as of 200 BC was… younger than was appropriate.  Or legal.  Not distressingly so, but still true.

    But appearances were only that.  She knew as much.  Technically, most of them predated the bible.
    “The nymphs and satyrs should be kind to innocents,” he said. “The bacchae won’t be, but I can make arrangements.” - Excerpt from Interlude 3