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For the Defining Ritual, see Demesne.


Demesnes (subtitled A Place of One's Own) is a textbook on the subject of Demesnes.[1][2][3] It is part of a set with Famulus and Implementum.[1][2][3]

The Thorburn library had a copy with a green cloth cover.[1]


Demesnes is quoted at length in Interlude 2.x and Demesnes Text.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Another series of books, in a stack in the corner, where the lawyers had left them.  Famulus, Implementum, Demesne.  Orange, purple and green cloth covers, respectively, they all matched otherwise, in size and the script on the spines.  I glanced each one over, then tossed them onto the desk, where they rewarded me with a series of satisfying impacts. - Excerpt from Bonds 1.3
  2. 2.0 2.1
    2. Study and enact the ritual noted in Famulus.  The familiar is your greatest ally, and will serve as a tool, a wellspring of power, an ambassador to dealing with more abstract things, and will be a lifelong companion.  Make this choice with the same respect you would with undertaking marriage, only know there is no form of divorce.  The Familiar is to be a part of you for life.  You gain their services, and they gain a chance to be mortal, even if it is a small mortalhood, in addition to whatever other terms you negotiate.  Do not allow your familiar to take the form of a rat or dog.

    3.  Study and enact the ritual noted in Implementum.  Your choice of tool will shape how you interact with this world, your craft, and will be your badge in the eyes of many.  The book is dreary, page on page of examples, but study it thoroughly, for there are many meanings, and a poor choice of tool may well cripple you.

    4.  Study and enact the ritual found in Demesnes. Baba Yaga had her hut, I have my room.  Unfortunately, the rest of the house has been claimed by our predecessors, and while it is a haven, you will need to find your own place to make your own, where the rules bend as you need them to, and where your power is greatest.  The three rituals noted here are fundamental in determining how you access, hoard and focus power.  Note, however, that your real power will be in how you act with others and Others. - Excerpt from Bonds 1.3
  3. 3.0 3.1